VOLTRON Meeting 2024
Call for Abstracts

Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI), in collaboration with the Air Force Research
Laboratory (AFRL), extends an invitation to you to
Topics will include, but are not limited to:
It is the responsibility of each presenter to clear all presentations for public release
(Distribution A) with their respective agencies. Non-US citizens will be in attendance.
Please submit abstracts (250 words max) by 15 January 2024 to
Elena.plis@gtri.gatech.edu and ryan.hoffmann@spaceforce.mil
Technical Committee:
Elena Plis (Georgia Tech Research Institute, elena.plis@gtri.gatech.edu)
Ryan Hoffmann (AFRL Space Vehicles Directorate, ryan.hoffmann@spaceforce.mil)
Miguel Velez-Reyes (University of Texas at El Paso, mvelezreyes@utep.edu)
Heather Cowardin (NASA Orbital Debris Program Office, heather.cowardin@nasa.gov)
Vishnu Reddy (University of Arizona, reddy@lpl.arizona.edu)
We aim to bridge the gap between laboratory-based experiments and spectrally
resolved observations of resident space objects with the intent of determining the limits,
practicality, and exploitability of color photometry and spectroscopy as a
Space Domain Awareness (SDA) tool
Advances in observation systems
Modeling of the reflective properties of spacecraft
Laboratory-based materials measurements
On-sky spectral or photometric observations of resident space objects
Techniques for the analysis of observations
27-29 February 2024
GTRI Conference Center
250 14th Street NW, Atlanta, GA
Present your work at the 5 th annual VOLTRON meeting
Dr. Elena A Plis
Senior Research Engineer
Electro-Optical Systems Laboratory (EOSL)
Georgia Tech Research Institute
925 Dalney Street Atlanta, GA 30318
E: elena.plis@gtri.gatech.edu
P: (505)-220-3684